Tooth Veneers

                 A smile that is well-formed and dazzles is more pleasing than one that’s dull or misshapen. Further, to have a dazzling smile yourself is a huge incentive to show it off at every possible chance. It’s no coincidence that people with beautiful teeth tend to have more confidence and feel more comfortable conversing with others. For most of us, simply seeing a bright and perfect smile can change our day for the better. Wouldn’t you love to be able to have that affect on a fellow person? Just because you weren’t born with genetically perfect teeth doesn’t mean you can’t someday smile with pride. Your answer may be found with a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure, porcelain veneers.

Anatomy of a Porcelain Veneer
                A porcelain veneer is an exceptionally thin piece of porcelain designed to fit the front surface of teeth to mask unappealing features like discolorations, chips, cracks, wear facets, improper alignment or gap with the neighboring tooth.

Veneers can completely reshape your teeth and smile. They can often be alternatives to crowns and the ideal solution in treating many dental conditions.

The process of veneer treatment requires 2-3 appts. Initial appt. involves a detailed discussion with the patient regarding his/her views about a pristine smile. This is the most important phase of the treatment as it helps to design a set of veneer that will deliver precisely the image the patient wants to portray.

                Once a plan is ready, tooth preparation is done. It involves shaving off a very thin layer of the enamel(~ 0.5mm) and normally does not require a anesthetic. Once shaped, an impression of the prepared teeth is taken and a mold is created. In the next appt. the veneers are tried and after the patient approves of it, they are finally bonded to the tooth.

                They fit your mouth perfectly and look fabulous with your overall appearance. In about two to three visits, your dream smile could be reality!

How long to veneers last??

                As the porcelain is a durable and relatively stain-resistant material, with proper care veneers could last 10 – 15 years. Avoid abusing your veneers in similar ways to avoiding abuse of normal teeth and your new smile will shine bright for every day you have them. Proper brushing, flossing and regular dental visits will aid in the life of your veneers.

Why Veneers when My Teeth Just Need to be Whitened ?
                Teeth whitening is a viable option for people with stains of nictotine, tea, coffee etc. . However, for those that suffer more severe staining, such as that caused by tetracycline or excessive fluoride consumption, porcelain veneers may be the only viable option as even the most intense whitening programs may not work 100% of the time.

We design veneers in IPS Empress, IPS E.max, and procera in our cosmetic dentistry practice.


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