Tooth brushing technique

  • Use a soft nylon toothbrush with round ended bristles.
  • Place the toothbrush with its bristles along the gumline at a 45 degree to long axis of the teeth. So the toothbrush is in contact with both tooth surface & gumline.
  • With gental movements to fro rolling motion, brush the outer tooth surfaces of 2 to 3 teeth without dislodging the tips of the bristles. Apply 20 strokes in same position around the arch brush three teeth at a time.

  •  Similarly maintaining 45 degree angle brush using back, forth rolling motion along all the inner tooth surfaces.
  • Tilt brush vertically behind the front teeth. Make several up & down strokes using the front half of the brush.
  • Place the brush against the biting surface of the teeth. Gently do back & forth scrubbing motion. Brush the tongue from back to front to remove color producing bacteria or use tongue cleaner to clean tongue.

  • Continue around the arch, brushing around three teeth at a time, then use the same method to brush the inner surfaces of the teeth. To help reach the inner surfaces of the front teeth, insert the brush vertically.