Teeth Whitening

     Are you hesitant to smile because your teeth are stained? Have coffee, tea, and tobacco wreaked havoc on your smile? If your smile just isn’t as bright white as you’d like it to be, teeth whitening may be just the thing you need.

     At our office, we offer teeth whitening solutions to give you a sparkling, bright, white smile. We use internationally certified tooth whitening products and procedures to rid your teeth of stains and yellowing.

In-office Professional Tooth Whitening

     We have in-office teeth whitening systems that require only one visit to achieve truly dazzling teeth whitening results. Years of stains and discoloring are almost instantly removed to reveal the bright, beautiful smile you had always dreamed of. You’ll want to smile at every opportunity!

     We offer several in-office whitening services: the one hour Zoom! Whitening system, the Pola OfficeWhitening System. All whitening services are preceded with a thorough cleaning and polishing of teeth. Both whitening systems are perfectly safe and will yield beautiful teeth whitening results in about one hour.

     Each individual’s tooth enamel is different; therefore we will help you choose the method which we will be the best for you…

Take Home Teeth Whitening

     It is a good option for those who want to regulate their teeth whitening over a couple weeks. The take home tooth whitening systems can whiten teeth dramatically and are as safe to use as our in office professional tooth whitening method.

     If you are interested in scheduling an appointment for professional tooth whitening, contact us today!

    Regardless of your time or financial constraints, we can customize a tooth whitening treatment that meets your individual needs and expectations.








Teeth Whitening FAQ’s

How long does whitening really last?

     Neither the in-office or at-home whitening procedure is permanent. The longevity of whitening is strongly related to dietary habits, the original color of your teeth, and personal habits like smoking, drinking red wine, tea, coffee etc Re-whitening can be done as often as necessary, either with professional or home care systems. But on an average, the effect lasts for 2 years.

Will the bleaching process affect the color of the filling in the front tooth?

     Whitening gels have no effect on the composite filling materials. Polishing may help but if not, you can have the surface of the fittings redone. A better choice may be to replace them with porcelain laminate/veneers for longer lasting results. 

Does bleaching of tooth cause tooth sensitivity?

     The new improved formulations of whitening gels have completely eradicated the problem of sensitivity previously associated with whitening. If a mild sensitivity is present it subsides automatically in 48 hrs.

Which bleaching system is the best?

     Practically speaking, with some minor differences all systems have almost the same composition. Choice of a particular system is purely based on personal preference of the patient and the doctor. 

If you have additional questions about teeth whitening, please contact us.

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