Laser Dentistry

              Laser Dentistry is a revolutionary step in dental care, which allows for the virtually pain free application of dental procedures with reduced swelling, trauma and bleeding. Crucially, the need for invasive implements and tools including the drill are eliminated.

              Laser Dentistry can be used during a number of soft and hard tissue procedures, in the areas of General Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry and Restorative Dentistry. The removal of decay, the preparation of cavities and root canal treatment can be completed painlessly and in minutes. Pin-point accuracy reduces the risk of spreading disease and bacteria and minimizes trauma or the need for pain medication.

Soft Tissue (Gum) Laser Dentistry treatment

  • Crown Lengthening: Dental lasers can reshape gum tissue (soft tissue laser) and bone (hard tissue laser) to expose healthier tooth structure. Referred to as crown lengthening, such reshaping provides a stronger foundation for the placement of restorations.
  • Gummy Smile: Dental lasers can reshape gum tissue to expose healthy tooth structure and improve the appearance of a gummy smile.
  • Soft Tissue Folds (Epulis): Dental lasers may be used for the painless and suture-free removal of soft tissue folds often caused by ill-fitting dentures.
  • Muscle Attachment (Frenula): A laser frenectomy is an ideal treatment option for children who are tongue tied (restricted or tight frenulum) and babies unable to breast feed adequately due to limited tongue movement. A laser frenectomy may also help to eliminate speech impediments.

Hard Tissue (Tooth) Laser Dentistry treatment

  • Cavity Detector: Low intensity soft tissue dental lasers may be used for the early detection of cavities by providing a reading of the by-products produced by tooth decay.
  • Tooth Sensitivity: Dental lasers may be used to seal tubules (located on the root of the tooth) that are responsible for hot and cold tooth sensitivity.
  • Dental Fillings/Tooth Preparation: Hard tissue dental lasers may eliminate the need for a local anesthetic injection and the traditional turbine dental drill. Lasers used in dental filling procedures are capable of killing bacteria located in a cavity, potentially leading to improved long term tooth restorations. However, dental lasers are not appropriate for the replacement of amalgam fillings, onlays or crowns.

There are several advantages. Dentists may not need to use a drill or administer anesthesia, allowing the patient to enjoy a more relaxed dental experience. Laser procedures can be more precise. Also, lasers can reduce symptoms and healing times associated with traditional therapies; reduce the amount of bacteria in both diseased gum tissue and in tooth cavities; and control bleeding during surgery.

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