Know Your Teeth

                  The human have two sets of teeth. The teeth of the first set are called “Deciduous or Milk Teeth”, Milk teeth are twenty in number Milk Teeth set contain 2 incisors 1 canine & 2 molars in each half of each jaw.
                  The permanent teeth are Thirty two in number permanent teeth set contain 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 permolars & 3 molars (1 wisdom molar) in each half of each jaw.

Tooth Anatomy:

                Tooth portion that project above the gum margin called as crown & portion that is embedded within bone beneath the gum is called as root.Structurally, tooth is composed of outermost toughest calcified covering known as enamel, Inner to that sensitive calcified layer present known as dentine.

                In centre tooth contain pulp. Pulp is made up of loose tissue containing blood vessels & nerves. It is life of tooth. All sensation whether of pain, hot or cold are all due to pulp damage.