Composite Fillings

Composite fillings are used to repair minor tooth defects such as those caused by small amount of decay or small cracks in the teeth.

     Composites, are made of special resins, reinforced with glass quartz particles and colored to match and blend into the surrounding tooth, rendering them virtually invisible. In placement of a composite filling, the diseased or weakened part of the tooth (as well as the old metal filling if present) is removed first. The new composite filling is then bonded into place. Not only are these fillings aesthetically pleasing, they are strong enough to provide years of function.

     Moreover, these fillings harden immediately after placement, so you can start using them as soon as you are out of the dental chair.

    You will feel comfortable while eating and look confident with a cleaner, whiter smile.

Is it recommended to replace silver fillings with tooth-colored filings?

     There are several reasons for which we recommend to replace old silver fillings with newer, natural tooth-colored composites. Silver (mercury amalgam) fillings don’t bond with tooth structure resulting in microleakage at the interface between the filling and the tooth. This leads to decay around the filling in the ling run. Composite fillings, on the other hand, are actually bonded to your teeth, meaning there’s no space for decay to grow. This means your natural tooth is less likely to crack after restoration.

     The most important reason for replacement are the aesthetic considerations. What would you rather like to see when you smile—a mouth full of silver or natural looking, white teeth?

     So, if your past dental work has left you with a mouth full of silver fillings, contact us today and reclaim your natural-looking smile today!


     Dental bonding is a quick and painless cosmetic dentistry procedure. The technique uses a composite resin to fix both structural and cosmetic defects in teeth. Dental bonding is used to repair teeth that are chipped or cracked and to replace unattractive silver fillings. If teeth are misshapen or have gaps between them, dental bondings are used to build-up and reshape teeth and fill in gaps. Dental bonding can even be used to whiten stained and discolored teeth. It therefore offers a viable and affordable alternative to porcelain veneers.

     Moreover it is just a single visit procedure and most conservative too i.e minimal tooth preparation is needed to achieve the desired result.

     Although not as long lasting or strong as all porcelain restorations, this conservative and aesthetic procedure has enhanced the smiles of many of our patients.


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