Ceramic Crowns

                A tooth that is heavily broken down or has a very large filling can be best protected and restored by a crown. A crown covers the entire exposed surface of the tooth and is made to resemble the original tooth in shape and size. A crown is also mandatory after the tooth has been treated with a root canal.

                Crowns are also used to attach bridges, cover implants, or an existing filling is in jeopardy of becoming loose or dislocated. Crowns also serve an aesthetic use, and are applied when a discolored or stained tooth needs to be restored to its natural appearance.

Crowns can also whiten, reshape, and realign teeth to create a healthy, comfortable, and vibrant smile.

                Traditionally crowns have been made from metal with a porcelain layer on top to try to give a natural looking tooth effect. However, the presence of metal leads to the appearance of a dark line around the gum margin.

                New advances in materials and methodology has made possible the creation of crowns without the use of metals and at the same time without compromising on the strength of the crown. Most crowns now made in the Esthetic Smile Zone are metal free and create a beautiful natural appearance.

                A crown procedure usually requires two appointments. In the first appt, the tooth is reduced in size to accommodate the crown. An impression is taken of the reduced tooth and a temporary crown placed over the reduced tooth.

                At your second appointment your temporary crown will be removed, the tooth will be cleaned, and your new crown will be carefully placed to ensure the spacing and bite are accurate.
Do crowns require any special care?

                Crowns require care similar to your natural teeth. It is very important to floss and rinse properly in the area of the crown to avoid excess plaque or collection of debris around the restoration.

                Also, certain behaviors such as jaw clenching or bruxism (teeth grinding) significantly shorten the life of a crown. Moreover, eating brittle foods, ice or hard candy can compromise the adhesion of the crown, or even damage the crown.

                Your family deserves healthy smiles designed for a lifetime. Call our Cosmetic Dentistry practice today to schedule your appt. porcelain crown or restoration checkup.

In addition to the routine metal ceramic crowns , we offer Procera, Cercon, 3M Lava, IPS Empress, IPS Emax and Zirkon metal free ceramics as a part of our practice.

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